Friday, April 28, 2006



Tasha said...

Very beautiful! Thank you for your comments. :) As for what camera I use..I have a mix of new/old pictures that I have been posting. The new I took w/ my cannon 10D. The older ones were taken with a nikon coolpix (which do a great job with macros!)

Suji said...

Wonderful pic! Is it a natural sturcture or man-made?

arvindh said...

Thank you. I have heard good reviews for the coolpix.
It is a man-made structure. To be more specific my sister made parts of it and I made parts of it!
BTW, I like your new Avadharam!

Suji said...

Hehehe....thanks. Thats my self potrait on camera. :)

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Super Cool!!! Love this, nice seeing and capture! Mary :-D

Anonymous said...

if its u who took this pic, then machi,
u r wasting ur time in doing ur psw-phd